Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Monday Morning
- Walk down the road with my two best friends and a coffee, is there a better way to spend your morning?
Saturday/Sunday - Sandy Alexander Clinic

Simone set up a gymnastics and two lines for us to complete for both days. Sandy showed us that there are many different ways to ride lines and introduced us to the "Ten Commandments" of riding. It was very interesting to see where I need to improve in my riding and where I am most strong! Thanks for coming out Sandy!

Friday, 6 April 2012

First day of the Sandy Alexander Clinic!
Rode 9:00 to 11:00
Today was flat day, tomorrow we start jumping, just working on getting the horses more collected and underneath themselves while adjusting the gaits! Cinny was very responsive to all the tips Sandy had for my body, guess we will see what tomorrow brings! :)